Comments on: Nutrition and the Vegan Diet Your Guide to Living a Healthy, Balanced, & Compassionate Life! I Love Vegan features 180+ delicious vegan recipes designed to suit a variety of needs. Sat, 14 Nov 2020 03:02:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terrsa Mon, 25 Nov 2019 10:44:53 +0000 In reply to Brittany.

Hey. Our family LOVES Arbonne’s Vegan GF protein powders! They have a flavourless one too that I cook with, but the chocolate and vanilla are awesome!

By: Sarah Wed, 20 Nov 2019 23:07:35 +0000 Hello myself and my partner are really thinking of transitioning to a plant based diet, we are unsure how to go about it as we have two children aged 5 and 2. My 5 year already is not a fan of meat so I think a plant based diet would be great for him. Can you recommend how to start please. I have been thinking about the transition for months now.

Thank you.

By: William Mueller Sat, 24 Aug 2019 19:03:07 +0000 In reply to Heather Landex.

Thanks for commenting, Heather! It is indeed problematic to eat out while making sure to avoid dairy products. Depending on the restaurant, you can usually find a few things at the least which fit your dietary needs. Avocados and hummus are some of our favourite foods and are excellent as a snack (with other veggies, whole grain crackers, etc) or as a breakfast option. We were just talking about the need for probiotics the other day - will be looking them up today to find some suitable for us!

By: Heather Landex Thu, 15 Aug 2019 13:03:18 +0000 In reply to Hema.

Food. Hema, no problem being vegetarian.You can eat cheese and milk there are vitamins from animals in there. There is all the protein you need in vegetables (the ones you are not allergic to) and funnily enough when I eat out the vegan option is also gluten free. Seems unfair for the meat eating gluten allergy sufferers. If you don't like the animal products much then you probably need to eat more volume to get the calories. So on this page that was mentioned. I lost weight and felt better going vegetarian to vegan, probably because all this time my body has disliked milk. Then it problematic to eat out after cutting milk from my diet because its snuck into everything then I get diarrea or throw up. So if you have allergies it might be trace elements in the food your eating rather than the diet itself. You are probably not eating enough variety because you have to watch out for so many things but after a transition period, you will have learn how to shop and cook. (I haven't learnt yet and I have been vegan 4 months). I also have a vegan suppliment and they have to be allergy tested, maybe you could find a source you trust. My body also doesn't agree with fish, and everyone has told me growing up I won't get enough omegas, but I have never had a problem and I'm 35, you'd think it would have shown up by now..and if you are vegan you can eat loads of carbs and fats and not gain weight (I probably cannot claim that, but I have found that for myself). I probably eat many more types of food now I am vegan particularly fats. Are you allowed to eat avocados and hummus? That's my go to at the supermarket. If you find a lot of foods difficult to digest you may need a prebiotics or probiotics. Digestion gets worse with age because we become depleted in enzymes.

By: Em Sun, 16 Jun 2019 17:54:04 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

Vega is a good brand. They are plant based and are sold on amazon as well as some health food stores.

By: Hema Fri, 17 May 2019 23:01:21 +0000 Hi there,

I've tried numerous times throughout my life to adopt either a vegan or vegetarian life, however, for some reason my body can't seem to sustain itself on a vegan and/or vegetarian diet. Aside from being allergic to wheat and intolerant to gluten, I recently discovered that due to various gut health and genetic issues, I'm not able to digest and process beans, legumes, pulses, and many naturally occurring sugars.

Kind Regards,

I'd like to at be vegetarian but what would I need to eat in 1 day in order to meet all my daily nutritional requirements?

By: Will Mon, 06 May 2019 03:54:24 +0000 Hi! I was curious as to ways to get protein and whatnot from foods if I am unable to eat many of the fortified foods. Due to several food allergies, I can't eat things like soy, wheat, corn, et cetera, and was wondering if there are any other alternatives? The idea of becoming vegan has always been so daunting to me because of these allergies.

By: Christa Mon, 18 Mar 2019 10:54:46 +0000 Yes, the vegan diet 159 helps to recover the body and like a bonus you get weight loss.
