Comments on: Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle Your Guide to Living a Healthy, Balanced, & Compassionate Life! I Love Vegan features 180+ delicious vegan recipes designed to suit a variety of needs. Sat, 14 Nov 2020 02:21:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zion Fri, 19 Jun 2020 20:54:16 +0000 Beautifully written. Thank you for your support.

By: Brittany Wed, 17 Jun 2020 17:23:25 +0000 In reply to Alan Robertson.

I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying your new vegan diet! It sounds like it's been a really great change for both of you 🙂

By: Alan Robertson Sat, 30 May 2020 04:09:59 +0000 This is a wonderful article precisely because it is accurate but not dramatic.

My wife and I became vegetarians about 2 years ago and then vegans in March his year, primarily for ethical reasons. But it brought with it the most astonishing health benefits for me personally: I’ve always suspected that I was lactose intolerant but wow, once I dropped all dairy as part of a vegan diet my life changed completely and I haven’t felt this good in 30 years - no kidding.

My back which was always sore and rigid, is now flexible and pain free - I used to go to a physio twice a month for manipulation but he spasm never left me. I can now touch my toes standing up straight for the first time in decades, I can put my hands flat on the floor, and stretch like a 20 year old; I no longer snore; my eyes are clear; my energy levels are hugely increased: and I can run again. My mind is clear and my complexion has improved.

Whilst I’m not exactly sure how this all works physiologically and perhaps I’m at the extreme in terms of benefit, I love it.

And best of all no animal needs to give its life for my eating pleasure, no mother needs it’s calf torn away to sustain my dairy ‘requirements’, no male chicks and calves are murdered, and the environment is better for it.

I wish I had seen the light 40 years ago.

By: Beata Tue, 07 Jan 2020 15:58:40 +0000 I'll start with a little backstory. I have been dating this man for a while now, and at some point he told me that his sister and her husband have been vegan for several years. I thought, vegan, huh? Shortly afterwards, I unfortunately came down with an illness which was thankfully easy to cure with a simple course of antibiotics, but it still dragged on for a week and I missed an entire week of work because of it. While sick and staying home, I had all the time in the world to myself, so I started looking online and reading up on veganism to learn more about what my boyfriend's sister and her husband subscribe to... During that time, I cam across many websites and blogs, including yours, and I just started gobbling up information. Many blogs, including yours, have tons of interesting recipes (although I sadly lack creativity in the kitchen, I love to cook when provided with the recipes, so hey, experiments in the kitchen, yay!), but only your blog had the resources that I found useful BEFORE one can understand what veganism is and to make one look into one's heart for the reasons to transition.

This particular article, Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle did it for me. I know you say that what you describe is a watered down version of what's really going on in the meat, eggs and dairy industry... My stomach was turning even before I finished reading. I am extremely visual so I don't think I could stomach watching any of the documentaries mentioned on your and may other vegan oriented websites. Yes, I simply chose to believe what you wrote, but I also know that to make a profit, these industries (just like any industry or business) can't waste any resources and/or time, so I am sure that what you wrote is true. Having read what I read on your website, I just can't in clear conscience continue my omnivore diet I grew up on.

I am not calling myself a vegan because I am sure it will be a good while before I am skilled at reading labels and instantly knowing what random additives in my food may be animal derived... But I made a conscious decision to not buy AND EAT any meat, eggs, or dairy any more, and I memorized some pretty common animal derived food additives to watch out for, so that I can make informed choices at the grocery store. I have started experimenting with vegan recipes from many sources and I started mainly with meat, fish, egg and dairy replacements because I feared that I will miss them immediately. My fear was unfounded. I made some tasty replacements, and my boyfriend (who is not vegan) has been consistently blown away by the vegan food creations I have been making! In the process, I still ate some leftover omnivorous stuff from my fridge - and I found that the cheese tasted uninteresting, and I have no desire to cook the meat in my freezer. I think I will give my omnivorous food items away to someone I know and who is in a bit of financial bind right now, to help her out if she is open to that. 🙂

Thank you for effecting this change on me. Your mission has succeeded. 🙂

By: Ellie Davis Wed, 27 Nov 2019 14:49:28 +0000 I never knew that a plant-based diet will help you to prevent cardiovascular diseases. My husband's friend is starting a vegan lifestyle, and we are looking for advice. I will let him know about the benefits of a plant-based diet to see if it's interested in trying.

By: Brittany Mon, 25 Nov 2019 17:44:34 +0000 In reply to Eileen Fauster.

That's awesome! Thanks for commenting Eileen!

By: Eileen Fauster Mon, 25 Nov 2019 06:36:17 +0000 After reading this post, I am thinking of going vegan. This information helps me a lot. Thanks for sharing this post

By: Ray L. Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:56:19 +0000 This info definitely needs to reach more people, I'm going to share it with some non-vegan friends in hope they understand all the amazing benefits of turning vegan!
