Comments on: 21 Vegan Recipes to Celebrate Summer Your Guide to Living a Healthy, Balanced, & Compassionate Life! I Love Vegan features 180+ delicious vegan recipes designed to suit a variety of needs. Thu, 28 Mar 2019 18:15:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Haley Thu, 28 Mar 2019 18:15:48 +0000 I love black bean burgers, they're delicious.

By: Brittany Wed, 11 Jul 2018 00:33:36 +0000 In reply to barbara charis.

Thank you so much for your input Barbara. Cooking and recipe developing is something I'm very passionate about and enjoy very much. I am not interested in a raw lifestyle but I encourage you to live the way that makes you feel best!

By: barbara charis Tue, 10 Jul 2018 22:32:38 +0000 For over 57 years I have been into food research. It's been difficult, because there was so much misinformation. I discovered the food industry supported the university nutrition departments. It provided the schools with the nutrition research that Americans received. However,they did this primarily to promote food products. If people really want to learn they need to observe animals in nature like gorillas for instance. They go to a tree or bush and eat their fill of one type of food at a time. They do not go from tree to tree or bush to bush to make a meal.. In nature there is no cooking. Recipes might look good, but they aren't health builders. Heating anything over 118 degrees wipes out enzymes. No enzymes! No nutritional value! If a food needs cooking, it is not a food designed for human consumption. The other thing...all edible food on the planet is not for human consumption; other species eat, too. Every person has specific foods; the wrong fruit or vegetable can be harmful. Few doctors know much about nutrition, because there are no true nutrition schools in existence. How many doctors know the wrong food can be the cause of an illness? I have had my share of problems,but learned how to solve them by simply eliminating the food(s) that caused the problem; like avoiding cruciferous, Night Shades, soy and 42 years ago dairy.
People want variety; and variety is killing them.
